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PPT: Hoshin Kanri Training Presentation
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Training Presentation/Powerpoint:

Hoshin Kanri



Hoshin Kanri, often referred to as Hoshin Planning or Policy Deployment, stands as a potent strategy deployment methodology that has been embraced by some of the world's most successful companies, including Toyota, General Electric (GE), Siemens, and others. It offers a systematic and integrated approach to realizing long-range key entity objectives, which are characterized by their audacious nature, spanning a strategic horizon of 3-5 years with minimal deviation.

At its core, Hoshin Kanri embodies a dual approach that is instrumental to its effectiveness. Firstly, it centers on defining and pursuing these long-term objectives diligently. These objectives serve as guiding stars for the organization, aligning every effort towards their realization. Secondly, and equally crucial, the Hoshin Kanri process doesn't lose sight of the essential day-to-day business measures required for the organization's ongoing success. This approach ensures that the organization not only strives for the future but also continuously improves its key business processes in real-time. 


This Hoshin Kanri PPT training presentation is based on the teachings of Dr. W. E. DemingDr. Yoji Akao and Pascal Dennis, and seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of this strategic methodology. Participants will learn how to communicate goals effectively, align them with the organization's overarching vision, deploy breakthrough objectives that foster cross-functional collaboration, and establish a structured review process to ensure the successful realization of strategic goals.

Note: This training package includes:

1. Hoshin Kanri PPT training presentation (PowerPoint format, 16:9 format)

2. Hoshin Kanri PPT training presentation (PowerPoint format, 4:3 standard format) - FREE

3. Hoshin Kanri templates (Excel format):

  • X-Matrix

  • Alignment & Deployment Chart

  • Management Control Chart

  • Daily Management Matrix

  • Hoshin Action Plan

  • Hoshin Review Table

  • A3 Hoshin Deployment Template (simplified version)

  • A3 Hoshin Deployment Template (full version)

4. Hoshin Planning Poster (PDF format, in monochrome and color, printable in A3/A4 size paper)​


Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the key concepts and principles of Hoshin Kanri.

  2. Describe the Hoshin Kanri approach to planning, deployment and review process for managed change.

  3. Define the Hoshin Kanri process and tools.

  4. Gain practical knowledge and skills in planning and deploying Hoshin Kanri in the organization.



1. Key Concepts & Principles of Hoshin Kanri

​•  Signs for Hoshin Kanri Planning
•  The Mindset: Challeng
es and Perceptions on Hoshin Kanri Implementation
•  Hoshin Planning at Toyota
•  Three Limitations of Standard Strategic Planning
•  What is Hoshin Kanri?
•  Definition of Hoshin Kanri
•  Hoshin Kanri in a Nutshell
•  Benefits of Hoshin Kanri
•  Hoshin Kanri Model
•  Hoshin Kanri Deployment Overview
•  True North – Setting the Course
•  Hoshin Kanri for Goal Alignment – Vertically and Horizontally
•  Linkages of Hoshin Kanri, Balanced Scorecard & MBO
•  Comparison of Hoshin Kanri with MBO
•  Breakthrough & Control
•  Three Key Underlying Principles of Hoshin Kanri
•  Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle
•  Pareto Principle (80/20 Rue)
•  Cause-and-Effect Relationship


2. Hoshin Kanri Process & Tools

​•  Review of Strategic Planning Process
•  Hoshin Kanri Cascade
•  Hoshin Kanri Incorporating the Balanced Scorecard
•  Four Key Phases of Hoshin Planning
•  Phase 1: Hoshin Generation
•  Phase 2: Hoshin Deployment
•  Phase 3: Hoshin Implementation
•  Phase 4: Hoshin Evaluation
•  X-Matrix
•  Common Hoshin Kanri Tools
•  Alignment & Deployment Chart
•  Daily Management Matrix
•  Management Control Chart
•  A3 Hoshin Deployment


3. Hoshin Kanri Deployment & Management Reviews

​•  Types of Hoshin Kanri
•  Performance Measurements
•  Continuous Improvement
•  Improvement Hoshin
•  Daily Management
•  Cross-functional Management
•  Types of Management Reviews
•  Checklist for Annual Planning Session
•  Guidelines for Managing Review Meetings


4. Effective Hoshin Kanri Deployment

​•  Three Factors Contributing to Effective Hoshin Kanri
•  Factors Contributing to Operating Effectiveness
•  Three Dimensions of Coherence
•  Factors Affecting Mobilization
•  Key Points & Summary



You may also be interested in the following related documents (sold separately):

  1. Strategic Planning: Eight Steps to Implementation

  2. Hoshin Kanri

  3. A3 Hoshin Planning

  4. Design Thinking Workshop Guide

  5. Customer Journey Mapping

  6. Value Proposition Canvas

  7. Business Model Canvas

  8. Service Design

  9. Digital Transformation: People, Organization & Change

  10. Digital Transformation: Step-by-step Implementation Guide

  11. Digital Customer Service

  12. Lean Daily Management System

  13. Lean Start-up

  14. Change Management

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