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PPT: Shingo Model Training Presentation
American Express
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Training Presentation/Powerpoint:

The Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence


“The Shingo Prize is the only award program

in the world focused on lean manufacturing and

elimination of 'muda'.”


- Masaaki Imai


The Shingo Prize (a.k.a. The Shingo Model) is the world’s highest standard for operational excellence. The prize recognizes organizations’ efforts to build cultures of operational excellence and continuous improvement. 


The prize is named after Shigeo Shingo, a Japanese industrial engineer who is widely recognized for his work in developing many of the revolutionary manufacturing practices that originated at Toyota. The Shingo Prize is based on the principles, systems and tools that deliver world class levels of excellence across an enterprise. 


The Shingo Model is useful for companies/organizations who have embarked on the lean journey. The model can be used to assess the level of lean maturity and identify strengths and opportunities for improvement.  


This training presentation can be used to brief employees to gain buy-in to the Shingo Model and prepare them for site visit assessments. 

Learning Objectives


  1. Understand The Shingo Prize as a Model for Operational Excellence

  2. Explain the Shingo Assessment Criteria for Operational Excellence

  3. Define the Shingo Model Assessment and Scoring Guidelines

  4. Gain an Overview of the Shingo Prize Application Process



  1. Overview of the The Shingo Prize

  2. Assessment Criteria 

  3. Assessment & Scoring System

  4. Application Process

  5. Shingo Award Winners

You may also be interested in the following training presentations (sold separately):

  1. Lean Thinking

  2. Lean Office

  3. Lean Manufacturing

  4. Six Sigma Overview

  5. 5S Techniques

  6. 5S for the Office

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