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Training Presentation/Powerpoint:
Effective Meetings
There are good meetings, and there are bad meetings. Bad meetings appear to drag on forever, they never seem to get to the point and are a waste of time. Effective meetings leave us energized and feel that we have really accomplished something.
This Effective Meetings PPT training presentation provides a simple three-step process for running effective meetings. It includes planning, conducting the meeting, review and follow up, as well as useful tips for successful meetings. To be able to conduct effective meetings is in line with basic Lean practices. The guidelines or practices presented are used by consultants in the top tier consulting firms.
Learning Objectives
1. Make the necessary preparations for a meeting to achieve the desired outcomes
2. Run an effective meeting
3. Perform a meeting evaluation and follow up
1. Introduction to Effective Meetings
Types of meetings
Developing and using the agenda
Meeting tools and techniques
The key messages
Meeting roles and responsibilities
The 3 steps for effective meetings
2. Preparing for the Meeting
Plan more, meet less
Establish a need for a meeting
Develop a clear agenda and meeting process
Guidelines for an effective agenda
Ensure a proper meeting environment
Identify and overcome potential barriers
3. Running the Meeting
Follow the agenda for a successful meeting
Post and follow ground rules
Get expectations
Record ideas
Flip chart techniques
Bring to closure with next steps
4. Evaluating the Meeting
Meetings as a continuous process
Evaluate meeting and incorporate builds into next meeting design
Publish next steps
5. The Team Development Model
6. Secrets to Successful Meetings
Benefits before concerns
Straw models
Participative decision making
Active listening
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