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Sustainability: A Shared Responsibility for a Better World

by Allan Ung

Sustainability: A Shared Responsibility for a Better World

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that

someone else will save it."

Robert Swan

Sustainability has become an increasingly important topic in recent years, as people around the world have come to recognize the need to protect our planet and its natural resources for future generations. In this blog, we will explore the meaning of sustainability, its benefits, and how it can be practiced at different levels.

What is Sustainability?

Sustainability refers to the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves finding a balance between economic, social, and environmental factors, so that we can live in a way that is both economically and environmentally sustainable.

Benefits of Sustainability

Sustainability: The shared value responsibility.

Sustainability: The shared value opportunity

(Source: Adapted from HBS online)

There are many benefits to sustainability. From an environmental perspective, it helps to protect our planet and its natural resources by reducing waste, conserving energy, and promoting the use of renewable resources. From an economic perspective, it can lead to cost savings through increased efficiency, and it can also promote innovation and help companies stay competitive. Finally, from a social perspective, sustainability can help to create healthier, more livable communities by reducing pollution and improving access to clean water and healthy food.

Sustainability vs ESG

While sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) are often used interchangeably, there are some key differences between the two. ESG is typically used to refer to the criteria that investors use to evaluate a company's sustainability performance, while sustainability is a broader concept that encompasses not just environmental and social factors, but also economic factors.

Sustainability vs Greenwashing and Circular Economy

Sustainability is often contrasted with greenwashing, which refers to companies making false or misleading claims about their sustainability efforts. To avoid greenwashing, it's important for companies to be transparent about their sustainability efforts and to use established frameworks to guide their reporting.

Another related concept is the circular economy, which refers to an economic system in which resources are kept in use for as long as possible, and waste is minimized through recycling and other means. While the circular economy is often seen as a key component of sustainability, it is not the same thing.

Corporate Sustainability Frameworks

There are many different corporate sustainability frameworks that companies can use to guide their sustainability efforts. Some of the most common include the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).

Triple Bottom Line

The Triple Bottom Line is a framework for measuring sustainability that takes into account economic, social, and environmental factors. It encourages companies to think about the broader impact of their operations and to strive for sustainability in all areas.

People, Planet and Profits

Sustainability: People, Planet & Profits

People, Planet & Profits

(Source: Adapted from Fraser)

The concept of "People, Planet, and Profits" is at the core of the triple bottom line framework for sustainability. This framework recognizes that businesses must consider not just their financial performance, but also their impact on people and the planet. By balancing these three factors, companies can create long-term value for all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, and the environment.

Sustainability Reporting

Sustainability reporting is the practice of reporting on a company's sustainability performance using established frameworks like GRI, SASB, or CDP. It helps companies to track their progress over time, identify areas for improvement, and communicate their sustainability efforts to stakeholders.

Practicing Sustainability

Sustainability can be practiced at the industry, organizational, and individual levels. At the industry level, companies can work together to develop sustainable practices and reduce their environmental impact. At the organizational level, companies can develop sustainability strategies and incorporate sustainability into their decision-making processes. Finally, at the individual level, people can make lifestyle changes to reduce their environmental impact, such as driving less or using reusable bags and containers.


In summary, sustainability is about finding a balance between economic, social, and environmental factors to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. There are many benefits to sustainability, including environmental protection, economic efficiency, and social well-being. To practice sustainability, companies can use established frameworks like GRI, SASB, or CDP, and individuals can make lifestyle changes to reduce their environmental impact. Ultimately, sustainability is about working together to create a more sustainable world for ourselves and for future generations.

Allan Ung

Article by Allan Ung, Principal Consultant at Operational Excellence Consulting, a distinguished management consultancy based in Singapore. Our firm specializes in maximizing customer value and minimizing waste through the strategic adoption of Design Thinking and Lean management practices. For further details, please visit 


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